53-year-old Kerstin A. enjoys time with her family, works in home care and loves spending summers at the beach. What else makes her stand out? Kerstin has lost an incredible 66 lbs with the support of the Vida180 diet plan, perseverance and will power! Find out here how she made that happen because you can too…
I am 53 years old and work in home care. I’m sure many others know the reason why I originally gained weight:
Bad eating habits, poor diet, no breakfast in the morning, starved myself until after work – all too familiar?! Then once I get home I would eat anything I could find, all very unstructured and unhealthy. I would also cook for my family and eat with them, even though I wasn’t really hungry at that point. Of course later while watching TV I would mindlessly snack. This became a habit that was rarely missed.
Many attempts ended with the dreaded JoJo effect
I have tried many diets that actually worked, but later of course, with the yo-yo effect the weight always came back plus some. This was the problem with fad diets, they just weren’t sustainable. I couldn’t eat shakes, limit myself to one meal a day, go without carbs, count complicated points, or eat a whole cow everyday!
I tried everything. All diets had one thing in common: when you stopped them, the pounds kept going back up and up and up.

My wake-up moment was a photo!
There was a photo of a company outing that totally shocked me and it was the catalyst for another weight loss attempt. I knew I couldn’t go on like this, I had to do something.
By chance I came across Vida180 on the Internet and at first I kept reading through the weight loss successes of the participants and thought: “This is now your last chance!”
Since then I am so happy and grateful that I found Vida180, it has been completely life-changing. So far I have lost 66 pounds and feel like a new person. I simply stuck to the plan that was tailored to me and didn’t change anything else about my lifestyle. I was surprised I didn’t have to workout endlessly or take any pills or potions promising dramatic effects.
The weekly weigh-ins have motivated me again and again
The weekly weigh-in is a great help for me in losing weight. Because you can see exactly how your weight goes steadily downhill. Or for example, after a vacation, it shot uphill! That motivates you again and again every week to see your progress.
Now that I have learned a healthy diet and proper nutrition specific to me, I can continue to follow the program to maintain my weight. It’s been so easy because I seemed to always be full and never hungry. I am well on my way to losing the final 11 pounds to reach my goal. Even though these last few pounds go a little slower, I am confident they’ll be gone soon enough.
Simple foods without a lot of frills
What convinced me was: the healthy balanced diet and simple normal foods without a lot of frills. The proper way we were built to eat. I think the weekly plan, which you can adapt to your needs, is great in so many ways. With this change in diet, you no longer have to worry about “what am I cooking or eating today?” Now you only have to shop about once or twice a week, which saves so much time. You also get a shopping list based on your meal plan which you can choose how many days you want to shop for or remove items you already have at home.
The meals were great, you can save and repeat your favorites as many times as you want. That also helps from having to have so many ingredients and keeps your food budget in-check. I also found it helpful that you can swap the meals, individual ingredients, almost everything while still maintaining the program. In the evening I would cook for the whole family and could easily multiply the recipes based on the amount of servings needed. Everyone enjoys the meals and we always have plenty to eat. Some of my favorites are the One-Pot dishes – everything from one pot – quick and delicious!
With 66 lbs gone, life became a whole lot easier
Now that I have lost 66 pounds, some things are of course much easier for me. Walking uphill, for example. I don’t have to catch my breathe at the top and I even like running sometimes. Even my patients are surprised at how fast I am now! The weight loss has really been a big help at work. Going up to the third floor? – no problem, be there in a jiff!
It’s been quite a journey. At first, only my family knew about my weight loss “project” and they supported me from the beginning. I didn’t tell anyone else about it because I didn’t know if it would work. It wasn’t until I had already lost 44 pounds and bought new clothes that my co-workers noticed and everyone was very surprised. My boss noticed it too and she was very supportive.
I no longer dread clothes shopping and it’s really a lot of fun. Especially when you are regularly one size smaller, it’s quite a thrill. I have given away most of my “big” clothes. I am burning that bridge because I never ever want to be that size again. I now approach people more positively and have no inhibitions about going to the beach or swimming anywhere in general. I feel fit and confident because of this easy change of diet.
The beach is my happy place
My hobbies are walking, cooking, baking and handicrafts. I also like to listen to audio books. My family loves spending our vacations on the beach. I also enjoy long walks on the beach now since walking is so much easier with less weight on my hips.
I am very grateful to Vida180 for showing me the right way to a new, self-confident life. Of course I wish all of you a lot of success. If things don’t work out as you had hoped for at first, don’t bury your head in the sand, it will work for you in the end. Follow the plan and you can always count on the professionals at Vida180 for help anytime.
Wishing you all best on your weight loss journey!
Kerstin A.
If Kerstin has inspired you to finally take the first step towards a new you, you can easily start with our free diet analysis and find out what’s holding you back!