Please check your bank account or credit card to ensure you have sufficient funds available. Or you may try an alternative card and account.
Billing and Payment Questions
What will happen if my payment is denied?
We’ll temporarily suspend your member access until the issue is resolved. You’ll receive an email about this change as well as bank details, if applicable. Your account will be reinstated once we receive your payment in full. In the event we don’t receive payment after 180 days, your account will be terminated permanently.
How can I get my account billing statement?
Go to the “My Account” tab on our homepage. Then, click the second “My Account” tab to view your personal billing statement. Note that we do not send invoices via the United States Postal Service. If you have any questions, send an email to
How does automatic renewal work?
After the payment period you have chosen (3 month, 6 months, or 12 months) has elapsed, we’ll automatically renew your membership for the period you chose initially. If you don’t want your membership renewed, be sure to cancel it at least one day prior to the renewal date.
Can I change my payment method?
Send an email to We’ll email you with details on how to change your payment details securely.